Myanmar – first impressions
Round the world trip – day 170. I wanted to start exploring the town the day before right after I had crossed the border but I was dead tired and spent the afternoon napping.

I had some time to spare before my bus left for Yangon. So I just walked around the town for a few hours watching the day go by and people engaged in their daily activities.
I passed by a school right at the beginning. It was 9 am and the children were lined up in front of their classrooms and they started signing. I wasn’t sure yet if they started every day like that but what I was sure about was that it was beautiful. I wanted to see it again.

I saw a few pagodas and there seemed to be just as many churches. I walked along the streets, around the local market and then came across another school. I couldn’t resist going inside and peeking into the classrooms through the open door. There were some of the loveliest schoolchildren I had ever seen and so much positive energy. I could interact with them from the hall for hours but I was not sure if the teachers that were present would have liked it. I loved it.

And then? 280 km and 7 hours on a bus. And to my great surprise the bus terminal was located further than the airport. Like whaaaat? So another hour in a taxi. But I didn’t pay a single kyat (the local currency). A local who was on the same bus helped me out.