How it all started
When did I become so passionate about travelling?
I think it all started back in 2007 when I made a decision to go and study for a semester in the Netherlands. It was a last-minute decision, so to say, as it was only three weeks before the deadline for submitting applications and since I was in my fourth year of study it was the last opportunity to do it. It was a life changing decision for me.

It was after the first term when I travelled solo for the first time in my life. I went to Belgium and visited Brussels, Gent, Brugge and Oostende. I vividly remember that I loved Brugge. It felt like the time stood still there. I still remember the amazing feeling I had when I climbed the Belfry of Brugge to enjoy the view.

After graduating from university I went on my first BIG trip. It was summer 2008 and I flew from Slovakia to Germany only to catch the first morning bus to Luxembourg. I fell in love with the country and its tiny capital. I went on to visit the Netherlands and Belgium before taking the Eurostar train to explore London. A great trip it was. My way of travelling was different back then. Everything planned. Everything booked. And it was the first time when I used couchsurfing.

I have been to many places since then. In 2013 I travelled outside Europe for the first time. I went to Thailand, Sri Lanka and India. A year later after quitting a corporate job, I set out on a journey of a life-time. I went to Africa where I travelled for three months through Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The last trip before I finally got round to writing this blog was in South America, more specifically in Chile and Bolivia.
And I am keen to see much more!