Hiking and biking to my heart’s content
Jasper National Park is a real Canadian beauty. I wanted to go on many hikes there but as usual I had to make a choice where to go given the high prices of accommodation in the park and unfavourable weather. The weather was only good on the second day I was spending there and I really wanted to take an advantage of it and see as much as possible.
So what did I do? I combined two of my favourite activities. Hiking and biking. What were my thoughts at the end of the day? ‘CANADA, I love you. Is it too early to say that? I mean we’ve just met. You don’t need to say it back.’

So I went on three short hikes that day.
#1 The Valley of Five Lakes where the water was the colour of a shallow sea. Turquoise. So beautiful.
#2 Old Fort Point Loop with stunning views of the river, the town of Jasper, many lakes and peaks.
#3 Overlook Loop near the Pyramid Lake

The weather was fantastic. I had my first encounter with an elk. I saw seven other deerlike animals including two baby animals with their mom. I wasn’t sure if they were elk or deer. But their galloping was funny as if on a trampoline. The size of animals I’d seen was increasing. A marmot the day before. Elks on that day. ‘Would I finally see a grizzly the following day?’ I asked myself.

In order to get to the head trail of the Old Fort Point Loop I biked along a trail in a forest. There were hardly any people there. Yet again, I felt uneasy because I knew there were bears wandering around the park, also very near the town. I love riding fast, so I was hoping I wouldn’t crash into a bear hiding behind each corner and turn. I certainly felt a rush of adrenaline.
At some nice spots there are these red wooden chairs to sit down, relax and take in the beauty. I love the idea.