A round the world trip? I did it.
There was a time when it was just a dream. There was a time when I thought I’d have to have a million to do it. Or perhaps half a million at least. In Czech crowns as I lived in the Czech Republic. Actually I don’t think I ever thought it would ever happen. Ever. But fortunately for me things changed. I changed. My mindset changed. I became a person courageous enough to follow his dreams. I had a dream. And that dream came true. And I didn’t need a million. Neither half a million!
I remember writing an article days before starting my round the world trip – an article outlining my trip. I was full of dreams, ideas, expectations and excitement. My round the world trip wasn’t going to be JUST a round the world trip. I thought big. I wanted to do a lot of things. I’d like to reflect upon what I wrote that I wanted to do and what I really managed to do.

The plan was to go around the world in 365 days, unlike Verne’s Phileas Fogg who made it in 80 days. When I set off I didn’t know how long I would manage to travel. But I made it. I travelled 365 days. And I made it around the world. From one continent to another without having to come back. Europe – Asia – Oceania – North America – Europe.
I had 5 must see countries – Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Australia and Canada. I really wanted to see them. And I did. Going to Australia was my childhood dream and I finally made it happen. I visited 16 countries altogether: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and France.

My planned itinerary: Slovakia – Ukraine – Russia – Kazakhstan – Kyrgyzstan – China – Vietnam – Laos – Myanmar – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore – Indonesia – Australia – Canada – Mexico – Belize – Guatemala – El Salvador – Honduras – Nicaragua – Costa Rica – Panama – Europe.
My actual itinerary: Slovakia – Ukraine – Russia – Kazakhstan – Kyrgyzstan – Kazakhstan – China – Vietnam – Laos – Thailand – Myanmar – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore – Indonesia – Australia – New Zealand – Canada – France – Slovakia.
Like I wrote in the article the part of the route from Mexico to Panama would make the trip longer than 365 days and so I decided to go there some other time.

I wanted to complete visiting all continents (except Antarctica) and I did. I have been to 6 continents by the age of 35!
I am a huge fan of travelling by train, so my dream was to go all the way from Slovakia to Vietnam by train. And I really made it. This was my train route (detours excluded): Zvolen (SK) – Košice (SK) – Lviv (UA) – Kiev (UA) – Moscow (RU) – Petropavlovsk (KZ) – Astana (KZ) – Almaty (KZ) – Alashankou (CN) – Ürümqi (CN) – Turpan (CN) – Xi’an (CN) – Chengdu (CN) – Kunming (CN) – Nanning (CN) – Hanoi (VN). In addition, as a keen train traveller I took trains in almost every country apart from Laos and New Zealand.
I also wanted to get to Singapore overland and as much as possible by train (there is no rail link between Vietnam and Thailand). And I really made it. From Slovakia to Singapore overland. In 8 months. During those 8 months of travelling I didn’t fly a single time.

I also thought of going all the way to Australia without flying but it would have proven to be more of a challenge than getting overland to Singapore. I decided not to pursue this goal. It would have taken more time and money as well. In addition, while I was on a four day boat trip in Indonesia I realized that sea travel wasn’t my thing. For one thing, I really missed freedom. For another thing, a rough sea doesn’t make for a good night’s sleep.
I was also tempted to add other beautiful countries to my itinerary such as Tajikistan, Nepal, New Zealand, Fiji, Palau, Samoa and African countries like Botswana, Namibia, Madagascar, Morocco and Ethiopia. I didn’t make it to any of them but New Zealand. I was on the verge of going to Tajikistan but thought better of it because of limited time. Going to New Zealand wasn’t part of the initial plan. I only decided to go there because the prices of flights from New Zealand to Canada were HALF the prices of flights from Australia to Canada. It was a no brainer. And a good decision, too. I loved New Zealand even though it was winter there.

I wanted to couchsurf as much as possible and I did. I couchsurfed 141 days (almost 5 months!) with 54 people of 26 different nationalities in almost every single country apart from Laos. I wanted to hitchhike more than I used to and I did. I hitchhiked over 11.000 km with 184 drivers in 8 countries.
I wanted to to try teaching English abroad, ideally in a developing country and also do some sort of volunteering. But after realizing I didn’t need to work to finance my trip, i.e. my budget was high enough (and again it was neither a million nor half a million) I decided to only travel and enjoy the adventure.
Also, as a lover of languages, I wanted to spend some time in a Spanish speaking country, where I would improve my Spanish. This, however, will be part of another adventure.

Overview of what I wanted to do and what I managed to do:
Go around the world | Yes |
Travel for 365 days | Yes |
Visit 5 must see countries | Yes |
Visit Australia – my childhood dream | Yes |
Complete visiting all continents | Yes |
Go from Slovakia to Vietnam by train | Yes |
Go from Slovakia to Singapore overland | Yes |
Get to Australia without flying | No |
Visit extra countries | Yes/No* |
Travel across Central America | No |
Couchsurf as much as possible | Yes |
Hitchhike more than ever before | Yes |
Teach English abroad | No |
Volunteer | No |
Stay in a Spanish speaking country and improve Spanish | No |
* only New Zealand

On August 1, 2017 my parents waved me goodbye and I left by train at 2.25 am. On August 1, 2018, I arrived at 2.25 am by the very same train just from the opposite direction and my parents welcomed me back.
I made it! A round the world trip in 365 days!
A dream come true. An adventure of a lifetime. One of the best decisions I have ever made. One of the best years of my life.
I made it because I knew it was possible and because hundreds of amazing people helped me along the way and so became a part of this adventure.